Ontario fall cereals get boost in latest StatsCan numbers


Ontario farmers intended to grow more winter wheat and fall rye compared to 2020, to the tune of 8 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively.

According to Statistics Canada’s spring 2021 seeding/planting intentions report, farmers planted over 1.1 million acres of winter wheat, though the estimated acres still in production sits just above 980,000 acres.

Spring wheat and barley acres dipped to 106,000 and 55,000, approximately. That’s a 10 per cent drop in spring wheat acres, and a whopping 63 per cent pull back for barley.

Farmers are choosing fewer edible beans this year, with intended acres dropping 14 per cent.

Grain corn acres are estimated at 2,229,000 acres, with soybeans sitting 2 per cent higher over 2020 at 2,908,000 acres. Corn for silage is up about 11 per cent, year over year, at 323,000 acres.

See the full report, here.


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