RealAg Radio, April 21: Recommending a career in ag, surfactants, and key equipment numbers


Welcome to the mid-week edition of RealAg Radio. We really appreciate you taking time out of your day to listen in.

On today’s show you’ll hear:

  • Peter Seemann of Grassroots Public Affairs, on their recent study of how consumers perceive agriculture;
  • A product spotlight interview with Mike Hilhorst of Federated Cooperatives Ltd.;
  • Curt Blades, senior vice president at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, on the first quarter numbers; and,
  • The top ag news stories of the day

Thoughts on something we talked about on the show? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected], on Twitter by using the hashtag #RealAgRadio, or give us a shout on the listener line, 1-855-776-6147.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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