Wheat Pete’s Word, Apr 7: Is it time to plant, spray, or apply all the N?


Whether it’s in the too-dry conditions in the west, or the quite warm conditions of the east, farmers are getting rolling on some field work and seeding.

This week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word is all about answering the question of “if it’s time” — is it time for more or all the N? Is it time to plant soy or corn? Is it time to spray weeds? Those answers and more below!

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected]


  • Happy April everyone!
  • April Fools? There was some heavy snow in some areas of Ontario last week, but overall, it’s pretty warm. March was quite warm for Ontario.
  • Cold injured wheat? Sandier areas were the worst (drier)
  • First dandelion blooms in the field spotted! 10 days ahead of average.
  • Could mean the wheat is, too
  • Western Canada is super dry. Droughty, dry
  • But Ontario is dry in a good way — manure is going down. Pay attention to uniformity, please
  • Drone spreading red clover! Can carry 44 lb of seed at a time (5.5 acres at a time)
  • Tillage erosion risk!
    Where there is less erosion (2021)
    Tillage erosion. Two-foot difference! (2021)

  • Sugar beets, carrots, and peas are in!
  • Early start to 2021
  • Is it time for all the N? Is it time for corn? Is it time for soybeans? IS IT TIME?
  • Soybeans are tougher than you think, but corn is delicate
  • Still, ultra early beans carry some risk — the growing point is above ground. More frost tolerant than corn, but still a risk
  • An earlier start could mean you get to other fields in a more timely manner!
  • Time to spray wheat? YES. The perennials or winter annuals, yes. If  you don’t have those problems and the spring annuals aren’t there then, no, wait.
  • Get the manganese on those deficient crops!
  • How many heads per square foot can the wheat crop actually support? The world record was made with 117 heads.
  • N timing on wheat? Hold off to growth stage 30 if there are too many tillers. Poorly or late wheat, get that shot on
  • Too many tillers though, apply later and feed the main stem and a few tillers
  • Small wheat probably should have had a nitrogen application already
  • On heavy clay, if you can travel across and not make a mess, go go go!
  • Ahead of the rain?
  • Micros, foliar applied, is there a yield boost? $6 to $9/acre. Without a deficiency, it’s tough to move the needle on yield. Do plots!

Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 7 (2021) Episode 38


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