What’s the cold weather doing to wheat crops, to the insect populations, and to the soil?
In this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson answers these questions; plus he talks road safety, cool stuff, insects, weed questions, dirt questions (ahem, soil), and more.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Farm safety includes road safety!
- USDA report out today, crops prices keep going up; what a difference a year can make, financially, and to our mental health
- The Agronomists from Monday night featuring Tom Wolf and Jason Deveau had super cool sprayer technology. Check it out here!
- It’s been cold!
- Ultra-early seeded wheat and barley is up in Alberta!
- Duration of a frost makes all the difference. Killing temps: at least two hours
- Does the calendar trump the rule of three? What stage is the wheat at?
- Pete did a Wheat School on identifying the flag leaf. Find it here.
- The wheat crop seems short? What about lodging in a short crop? Lots of questions to mull over
- Fungicide because of septoria in the canopy, going to go through with another fungicide.
- Remember that fungicides control and stop disease from developing, it doesn’t make it disappear
- Apparently it’s not too cold for cereal leaf beetle eggs at Simcoe County! Start scouting!
- Starlings dive bombing a wheat crop? Stems cut up into three or four inch segments. Almost for sure sawfly
- Alfalfa weevil on the Niagara peninsula. Get scouting
- ATS and herbicide mixing instructions. Talk to your dealer
- Compacted areas in a field that were subsoiled last year. Dandelions! Hard to control. Spray now, wait a day to three days, work it, then get the soybeans in
- Soils have been staying wet and there’s been little evaporation with the cold weather.
- But, the weather will change! So watch your tillage, know you’re going to lose moisture
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