A million dollar rain (for those that got some precipitation), notes on a hay crop, corn replants, and wheat fungicide T3 timing are just a few of the topics covered in this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word.
Host Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson also answers all sorts of questions about wheat, including yellowing, a virus in wheat, and insects!
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Rain! Glorious! Across most of Ontario? Not quite
- Rain could save the soybeans in transition
- Hay after triticale? How long will grass seed survive in dry soil?
- The hay crop is awesome! Shockingly good! Especially where it was fertilized
- Cereal rye growers for forage, who put their N on early, crops have been excellent, even though they’re not that tall
- Marco from Mexico, super dry there, he’s under irrigation, seven to nine tonnes per hectare of durum, hard red, and soft white (100 to 130 bushels per acre). Ran out of irrigation water for their third round
- Corn replants. How? Two inches of cold rain over two days, cold temperatures, cold imbibition injury
- There’s a good replant calculator for corn, called Replant Decision Aid 1.8, here.
- Even emergence in corn, is it as important for silage corn as it is for grain corn? Short answer, yes
- Wheat is heading out! 40 days head to bread! Pete says 6 weeks from heading to harvest. Pete figures about seven to eight days early
- Every day of added grain-fill period equals 4 bu/ac of added yield
- Tank, boom, and end cap clean out! Please! Wheat at pollination is so sensitive
- T3 fungicide timing. It’s time. Do you spray a T3 when it’s this hot, this dry, and this little disease?
- What are the best nozzles for a T3 application? Need to “paint the head” with coarse droplets
- Head snag is out there. Check out this Wheat School with Pete for more info
- Barley yellow dwarf virus. Results have come back positive for cereal yellow dwarf virus. Lower canopy all spotted, flecked, streaked, no virus to speak of. Physiological fleck most likely
- If you split the wild oat and broadleaf herbicides up, will you get higher yields? Eric Johnson, from University of Saskatchewan says no yield loss from combining them
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