What’s the difference between weeds and a cover crop?
You’ll have to listen on to this week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word for the punchline. Listen below or download for later and hear host Peter Johnson who can’t believe the beans are turning already, wants to make Hay West happen, and talks clover success and weed control!
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Wheat Pete gets biological to kick off the Word
- Cranberry beans are starting to turn, every so slightly
- White beans starting to turn, too
- Crans in the first week of September?
- It’s an early year — soybeans are done flowering in some areas, will they re-flower? Doubt it
- This means: the wheat crop should get planted on time
- Humidity increases gibberella risk, 60% relative humidity at 11:00 am is like a rain
- White mould risk, too
- Double-cob corn makes great pickled corn cobs, but not yield
- Western Canada: ultra early spring wheat (April 11), 2″ of rain all season, and he had a crop! Half decent. He didn’t lose reserve moisture
- Durum one field over, less than 5 bu/ac
- Herbicide applied in 2021 may be a huge issue in 2022 because of lack of moisture, no herbicide breakdown
- Hay to send west? Contact Beef Farmers of Ontario is sending hay to Rainy River and Kenora districts
- Oat hay will likely be wet, might not make dry hay for donating
- Should we not just be bringing cattle here? It would be more efficient
- Road safety alert! Take your time, don’t pass on a curve
- Falling number is not a feed issue, it’s a milling issue
- It doesn’t have to be visibly sprouted
- The lodged wheat experienced higher humidity down at ground level
- Does low test weight mean lower yield? Test weight is weight in a certain volume. Same tonnage total, but “fluffier” seeds
- Invisible loss: mice, deer, birds, shattering
- Success with red clover…tune in to The Agronomists Monday at 8 pm E, Aug 16 (here)
- Weed roots the same as cover crop roots?
- One year seeding, seven years weeding
- Thin red clover? Add more oats!
- Straw is off, spraying ragweed, use glyphosate, it’ll get volunteer winter wheat too
- Adding nitrogen to wheat straw to break it down? It pains Johnson to say that a little bit of tillage might help more than adding N
- No rye in front of corn! Oats, oats, oats!
- Controlling volunteer corn in soybeans. Too late. Pre-harvest interval window is closing quickly
- Nightshade, might have to go through with another glyphosate application, don’t let them set berries
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