Wheat Pete’s Word, Aug 18: Final yields, revenge spraying, cereal on cereal options, and sold out winter canola


The host of Wheat Pete’s Word, Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson, is urging Ontario wheat growers to get those final yields reported so we can say once and for all if the province set a new record average wheat yield.

There’s that in this week’s Word, plus a frank discussion on revenge spraying fungicide, why the crop is so far ahead, and what that might mean for corn yield. Plus, why there’s been a real uptick in winter canola interest in Ontario.

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Manure Expo! Virtual, but please register manureexpo.ca
  • Flush to field — we need to talk about all our “waste”
  • Design ideas: why are old-timey barrels shaped how they are?
  • For goodness sake, report your yields
  • Oat crop is only 50 per cent of last year’s for some farmers
  • Depending on the rain and heat. It’s so bad, some fields in Western Canada, less than 5 bu/ac
  • Should we do a great hay swap? Keep wrapped hay here and send dry hay wet (call CFA if you have hay, please)
  • Crop performance data is up! Not many new wheat varieties on test, unfortunately
  • Excellent response to fungicide in the winter wheat crop, even though it was dry heading in to the flowering period
  • Average temperature change over 40 years may surprise you
  • For Ontario, we’re near average for heat units, but ahead of development by 10 days ish
  • Planted early, yes, but more advanced than even planting date would suggest
  • Some soybeans are yellowing early — warm nights? Could be.
  • What about yield potential? Tip back being reported in the corn crop
  • We could see shallower kernels, depending on day length and sunshine
  • This is when that double cob will end up aborted…for all of those asking
  • It is TOO late for white mould spraying. Stop!
  • Genetics still make all the difference, y’all
  • Tar spot in the corn crop is spreading. See more on Ontario Diagnostic Days
  • Northern corn leaf blight: conditions have been ideal for development
  • Winter canola seed is sold out in Ontario
  • If winter canola is seeding and doesn’t grow, drive on with corn, it’s OK
  • Winter barley after winter wheat means a risk of take-all and root diseases
  • After oats would be fine, they’re less related
  • Corn smut comes from the soil (you can eat it)
  • Sudden death in soybeans
  • Grain in a granary has bugs. Of course it does

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