Wheat Pete’s Word, Aug 25: Broadcast risk, pre-harvest intervals, and record barley crops


Summer is winding down and many farmers are gearing up for the next stage of harvest. For some, that means swathing or timing a pre-harvest pass, and for others it means getting the cover crop seed down.

For this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson has a few cautions for late-summer pesticide applications, a reminder about the phone system, and a hot tip about scouting dead soybeans.

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Let us know directly if ever there is an issue with the phone system by some other means than the actual phone system, please
  • Do More Ag is fundraising for Ag Talk
  • UK record barley crop: 14.2 tonne/hectare. That’s 264 bu/ac!
  • PEI is having a stellar growing season with 4 tonnes/ac of wheat
  • How is it that Ontario is now somewhat over-dry? It was so wet in July!
  • August has been so dry, and can see the tire tracks in the crop
  • Very wilted plants, pod and seed abortion happening. August rain makes the soybean crop
  • One issue to the next: aphids in soybeans, western bean cutworm in corn, now spider mites in soybeans. R6 to harvest is how many days? Dimethoate has a 30 day pre-harvest interval. Soybeans will translocate it out of the stem, so yield impact should be minimal now.
  • Dead plants sticking up through the soybean crop could be stem canker, root rot — don’t assume it’s white mould. Diagnose the problem correctly.
  • Pay attention in the dry bean crop! Pre-harvest application timing is rapidly approaching. 90 per cent pod yellow is the target. Remember time of day for Eragon, too (heat of the day).
  • Wheat seed germination test came back at 90 per cent. Test that seed.
  • Drought and dormancy: check out this Wheat School.
  • 100 seeds, brown paper towel, put in the bottom of a pan, damp, and leave it for 7 to 10 days (can’t test vigour!)
  • Falling number impact on seed vigour? The answer should be no. Unless it’s gone very far into sprouting and used up some starch. Send it for a test. Get a vigour test
  • Broadcast wheat into soybeans. Harvest looks early, drill it in, in excellent conditions.
  • Wheat on the surface will be eaten by slugs and birds. Also, do NOT use treated seed if you are going to broadcast into soybeans, as it could end up in the soybean sample. Bunt is an issue with untreated seed, too.
  • How late can you seed oats and when do you switch to cereal rye? Need 45 days for oats
  • Fungicide for rust on oats: again, pre-harvest interval. If the oats are in about 30 days, it means you have to pull the trigger if you plan to go in (assuming 60 days of growth left)
  • Hay dryers on hay to send it west?
  • Cows East is a thing. See more here
  • Weeds are ahead of the cover crop in some fields. If they are going to seed, you have to clip it. Herbicide won’t be enough
  • Late flush of pigweed and lamb’s quarters — time the burn-down before they set seed (four to six weeks from germination)
  • 15 bushel advantage in 13 day window! Woot!

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