Ontario Diagnostic Day 7: Tar spot toolbox, manganese deficiency, and deciding on a plant growth regulator


It’s time for Day 7 of Ontario Diagnostic Days!

The annual Ontario field crop diagnostic days held at Ridgetown, Elora, and Winchester are again virtual in 2021.

Wheat and soybean fungicide tips, tar spot control in corn, manganese deficiency, plant growth regulators and double crop soybeans are all featured in this episode.

We’ll kick it off with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) cereals specialist Joanna Follings and RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson. They’ll share wheat fungicide application tips for T1, T2 and T3 timing.

From there, we’ll join OMAFRA plant pathologist Albert Tenuta and revisit his tar spot nursery near Rodney, Ont. He’ll assess the disease’s late season impact and share how genetics and fungicides can help protect corn crops against the invading yield robber. Next up are OMAFRA soybean specialist Horst Bohner and NK brand agronomist Matt Rundle. They discuss techniques for properly staging soybeans and how well-timed fungicides can contribute to higher yields.

Our next stop is Oxford County, Ont., where OMAFRA corn lead Ben Rosser and summer student Duncan Willemse assess a field with manganese deficiency. They’ll share how the grower can fix the problem — in-season and for future years. Follings and Johnson then return to talk wheat and tackle the question — do you need a plant growth regulator (PGR)? The dynamic duo explain how variety, environment, and nitrogen rate and timing are all part of the PGR decision.

The show wraps up with Bohner and University of Guelph associate professor Dave Hooker as they look at the pros and cons of double crop soybeans as well as best practices that increase the odds of success. (More about the series after the video.)

The organizing committees of these three highly successful in-field education and learning events are again partnering with crop researchers and extension, along with support from RealAgriculture and a host of sponsors to bring you a series of eight Ontario Diagnostic Days episodes.

We would like to thank the following sponsoring organizations: The Grain Farmers of Ontario, AGRIS Co-operative, BASF, Bayer/DeKalb, Corteva/Pioneer, Great Lakes Grain, Maizex Seeds, The Mosaic Company, PRIDE Seeds, RealAgriculture, and Syngenta.

The series kicked off with this one-hour episode on Tuesday, July 20. A new episode is published every two weeks, on Tuesdays at 9 am Eastern, through to November 2, 2021. Each episode will highlight a general field crop agronomic theme and will be available here on RealAgriculture for viewing, as well as the OMAFRA Field Crop News website. All episodes will also be available in our main podcast feed.

The virtual video series gives the OMAFRA field crop team, research colleagues from the University of Guelph, and industry agronomists an opportunity to deliver diagnostic insights in a new way, sharing what attendees have come to expect from Diagnostic Days at Ridgetown, Elora, and Winchester. As part of the offering, continuing education credits (CEU) will also be available.

Historically, these in-person diagnostic days have provided some of the best opportunities for certified crop advisors (CCAs) to acquire a broad range of CEUs.

Certified crop advisors will be able to collect eight CEUs by registering for the event here. Registration is required for processing CEU credit requests and can be done up to December 1, 2021. Directions for applying for CEUs will be provided during each episode.

The videos are free and registration is not required for Grain Farmers of Ontario members, media, and those not seeking CEU credits.

Registration Fees  — Only required if applying for CEU Credits

·      $100 (plus HST) for eight CEU credits. A receipt/confirmation email will be provided.

Click here for previous Ontario Diagnostic Days episodes.


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