Pitura Seeds first seed retailer to join online Agro.Club Canada platform


Pitura Seeds, based at Domain, Man., has recently announced a partnership with Agro.Club Canada, as the first retailer to join the online ecosystem.

Agro.Club combines a digital storefront for farmers to order products and services with the business tools to support customer sales and marketing campaigns.

Tom Greaves, president of Pitura Seeds, says there are two ways to access products: either through the Pitura Seeds website, where you can add products to your cart — much like you would with any other online shopping product — linking you to the back end of Agro.Club. The other way to access is directly through the Agro.Club website, where you can then see the full lineup of Pitura Seeds products and services.

“The really neat thing about it is it allows us to showcase some of the services we have that maybe not everyone knows about. So it’s allowed us to put up there not only our seed products, but also our seed processing, our agronomy services, the research we do — both small plot and large plot,” Greaves explains. “A big one for us is production contracts.”

Greaves says he understands that this is not for everyone, but that it’s an announcement that is not meant to make a farmer’s life more complicated, but rather create convenience.

“The biggest thing I think is we just need to listen to [our customers] with what they need and what they want. If a grower wants to have us come into their farm, shake their hand, and be one-on-one with them, we will do that. However, there are also other growers that want to go online, select it, and they don’t want to be bothered with seeing us face-to-face, and there’s all kinds in between there as well,” he says. “So I think it’s really just about providing options and different ways for people to connect with us, while listening to what they want.”

By getting involved with Agro.Club, this also allows a family-run retail such as Pitura Seeds to compete against multi-national companies in the marketplace, providing a more even playing field, notes Greaves.

Check out the full conversation with Tom Greaves and RealAgriculture’s Kara Oosterhuis, below:


Agro.Club bringing online farm marketplace to Canada


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