As we work through the final week of October, many Ontario farmers are feeling the stress of a very wet weather cycle impeding soybean and early corn harvest. Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson knows it can be tough to be patient right now, so be sure to reach out to those around you and check in to make sure everyone is faring OK.
For this week’s topics and questions, Johnson covers just how late you can push wheat planting into the fall, and where it is possibly already done for the year. Plus, how do you make the decision on when to spread manure? That, and a few reminders on farm safety round out this week’s show.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Citizens against virtually everything = CAVE people
- Be positive and find solutions
- There is stress out there — we can feel it and hear it
- Yes, corn yields (and prices!) are exciting, but the excessive rain is really dampening everyone’s spirits
- The soybeans are still out, and that’s stress, too
- Purple seed stain and other downgrading factors at play
- 2022 wheat looks to be pretty darn profitable… because no one is getting the wheat acres in. Ugh! So many can’t catch a break right now in weather
- Please, slow down. Think twice, act once. Be safe out there. We all need to get home safe every night.
- Get the mud off the road!
- Remember that what the consumers see on the road is how they judge farmers
- We sell by the pound (or other weight) — does test weight really matter? It does! But kernel weight is what adds to yield.
- Winter barley all shaggy? Nick says, hey, leave a strip!
- 60 per cent of intended wheat is in, so says Peter. And that might be optimistic
- Straw could be in short supply
- What is your wheat crop telling you? Tile-run wheat can tell you many tales
- Yield maps for corn can be denitrification maps
- Send in those plot results, please
- Wheat plus red clover plus manure vs. continuous corn plus manure, and yield advantage went to wheat/red clover ahead of corn (vs continuous)
- Red clover plus manure vs zero N, up to 150 lb N: economical rate was about 100 lb N
- Hog and chicken manure should go on in the spring (for N), BUT you risk more compaction and possible planting delays. Consider the logistics
- Winter wheat not in yet…do you switch to spring wheat yet? November will decide, but on heavy clays it’s unlikely to be an option
- Frost seeding will be key (possibly winter wheat on well drained soils)
- Insects love wheat! Put something in with the seed or you’ll have no germ by next year
- Seed mixed with MAP — can I keep it until next year? Not if it’s dusty or if it gets damp. All bad. Do a germ test before it goes in the ground!
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