RealAg Radio, Nov 25: Managing for inflation, a new learning opportunity, and navigating farm succession


Today’s RealAg Radio is sponsored by RBC, and was broadcast live at Farm Management Canada’s Agricultural Excellence Conference.

You’ll hear:

  • Shawn Hass of RBC Dominion Securities, about how concerned farm or ranch owners should be with inflation;
  • Ryan Riese joins in for an RBC spotlight interview; and
  • Renee Wiatt, research and extension specialist at Purdue University in the Purdue Institute for Family Business, on farm succession and how to overcome it as an obstacle

Thoughts on something we talked about on the show? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected], on Twitter by using the hashtag #RealAgRadio, or give us a shout on the listener line, 1-855-776-6147.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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