It’s the last Wheat Pete’s Word of 2021!
For this season-ending episode, host Peter Johnson tackles a few questions from the audience, including some phosphorus immobilization questions, and an encouragement to focus on the positive.
Wheat Pete’s Word will be back the first week of January, and in the meantime make sure you take that Wheat Pete 15 and reach out to someone who might appreciate the call.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Ho-ho-holy cow, look at the corn and soybean markets!
- Spring wheat seed is already in short supply. Demand is out there
- We’re all COVID-19 weary
- Focus on the positive
- 400,000 acres burned in Kansas this week
- The weather has been a huge challenge this year across North America
- We are so fortunate, even among the challenges we face
- Respect our resources, yes, and also realize we are so blessed
- Keep up the Wheat Pete 15! (No Word next week, remember)
- The many uses of vice grips
- Can wheat actually kill static electricity from a dust storm!? We usually just see a lightning strike
- Yes, it can happen
- Frost seeding cereal rye on December 22 — how many years is that even possible? Into corn stubble
- The days are getting longer
- Strip-tillage still happening this week and conditions are good
- Dr. Dave Hooker: winter wheat and a cover crop delivers on soil structure
- Did you get manure spread on? There were acceptable conditions this month, which is astounding (never on snow!)
- Fertilizer time!
- Phosphorus use efficiency ahead of a crop. Time for some math
- When it comes to phosphorus, it’s not simple adding and subtracting
- Plenty of P will be immobilized in the soil, longer-term
- And some becomes available every year
- Soil test and crop removal is key
- On high-test soil, it might be a great year to skip (or just put a little with the seed)
- Band effect can carry on for years
- What about corn? Death to broadcast phosphorus, says Greg Stewart
- On beans, just make sure it’s there, says Horst Bohner
- Timing of demand and root system differences of crops
- A big thank you to all the people who call in, send messages, and listen to the Word. We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you
Static electricity damage to wheat from dirt storm
— Clay scott (@scottwestacre) December 16, 2021
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