Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 70: Making time for time management


If ever you’ve been frustrated by seemingly never getting to those big jobs you’d like to work on, or you feel like all you need to do is work faster and harder to get where you want to be, Chris Croft has six strategies he’d like you to try.

Croft is a management trainer and author, and has an extensive background in running factories, teaching, and now helping businesses and leaders get a better handle on their most precious resource: time.

Time management is about your personality and habits, and it’s not just showing up on time, or being ready to work on time.

Croft explains that true time management is about achieving or experiencing more of the things you want to, and less of the things that are less important to you.

Identifying what you want to do more or less of might be complicated or it could be simple. For farmers and agri-businesses, some of Croft’s examples or “easy” fixes don’t apply (that committing work to work hours only), but the six steps to getting there do.

In this Mind Your Farm Business podcast, Croft goes into the six techniques he teaches on time management so you can learn how to choose what you say “no” to, become more proactive than reactive, and spend more time doing what drives your business success.

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