Wheat Pete’s Word, Jan 26: Living off soil interest, bread dough, Canadian phos, and fertilizer uniformity


Who would have thought that wireworms would cause so many calls and concerns? A discussion from a few weeks ago has certainly opened — ahem — a can of worms on the topic, and we’re here to set the record straight, mostly.

In this week’s edition of Wheat Pete’s Word, you’ll hear that, plus we explore how host Peter Johnson tries to get out of buying a steak dinner, if fertilizer type or uniformity of application is most important, and get a solid reminder to check in on our mental well being.

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day. Take care of your mental health, today, tomorrow, every day
  • For the first time ever, there were NO messages on the phone line (but plenty of texts and emails)
  • Dr. Dave Hooker and Dr. Albert Tenuta are very smart men
  • Will Wheat Pete make good on his wager with Aaron Breimer? It’s a steak dinner in the offering, remember
  • Perhaps there should be a bobble head battle
  • U of Oregon and slug connection: Bread dough is the attractant that slugs like best. How do we scale up to 100 acre field? Hmmm
  • Marketing alert! Ukraine tensions could lead to market volatility. Put it in that “wish order”
  • Strong crop prices make up for the input costs, don’t live off the interest of the soil this year. Well, maybe, but supply could be a challenge, remember
  • Canada does have a phosphorus deposit (igneous phosphorus) in Quebec. Read/hear more here.
  • Yield gain in corn comes from agronomics and weather, perhaps less genetic? This is one that’s up for discussion
  • Red clover and wireworm and potatoes and nitrogen and heavy soil, oh my
  • Wireworm feeds on so many species (clovers, barley, wheat, corn, the list goes on)
  • Brown mustard as a biofumigant, but it has to be worked in while it’s green. Buckwheat also is less favourable
  • An N credit from lupin? Pete will look into it
  • More on pH and fertilizer interactions: N fert can lower pH in Ontario soil, too, and impact soybeans in Norfolk County. 5.6 vs 6.3 pH makes a difference
  • Excellent Agronomists on Monday night. N’s role in building soil organic matter. Watch it here.
  • Don’t guess, soil test. 0 to 6 tonnes/ac of lime was one recommendation — do you work it in? Do you skip the areas w/ 0 lime? Just work it in shallow. High speed disc, 2 to 4 inches in. Keep it consistent
  • 28% vs urea applications — a response due to uniformity? Possibly

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