Calling all ranchers: Take a closer look at term conservation easements


Perhaps you’ve heard about conservation easements, but aren’t sure if they might be a fit for your ranch. If that sounds like you, we’ve got an educational opportunity coming up for you!

On March 3rd, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation (SSGF), in partnership with RealAgriculture, is hosting a webinar Q&A to open up the conversation about term easements and spark dialogue about the challenges and opportunities.

Tom Harrison, program manager for SSGF, says conservation easements first came into being in the 1990s to preserve lands that are important for environmental conservation.

“We want to retain the attributes of good habitat and biological significance, and a whole bunch of good environmental reasons,” says Harrison.

As we know, many ranchers already have these good sustainability habits. So why the need for easements? As Harrison explains, it’s in place for if that land eventually gets sold or changes hands.

“For the most part, these lands can’t get broken up,” he says. “There’s a number of agencies that are recognized by the Minister of Environment that can hold a conservation easement. The SSGF is one of them. We just got that recognition about two years ago. There’s a list of about 12 or 13 agencies, including the Natural Conservancy of Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation.”

Check out the full conversation between Harrison, and RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney below, and meanwhile, register for the March 3rd webinar here.


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