RealAg Radio, Feb 1: Buying or selling, #buttergate next steps, and the Minister of Agriculture


It may not be a brand new week, but it’s a new month — so we’re going with that.

With January out of the way… the rush of 2022 begins.

On today’s episode of RealAg Radio, you’ll hear:

  • Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Marie-Claude Bibeau, on all the things she’s got on her plate right now (spoiler alert, the list isn’t short);
  • Daniel Lefebvre of Lactanet, on a recent study in regards to the hardness of butter, as we come up on the one year anniversary of the swirl that was #buttergate;
  • Lyndsey Smith, with host Shaun Haney, on a buying and selling segment. Don’t know what that is? Tune in for the fun!; and
  • The top ag news stories of the day.

Thoughts on something we talked about on the show? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected], on Twitter by using the hashtag #RealAgRadio, or give us a shout on the listener line, 1-855-776-6147.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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