Wheat Pete’s Word, Mar 16: Wheat decisions, extracting potash, prioritizing N, and digging out the drill


Crop nutrients are top of mind for just about everyone this week, from what the prices will be, to whether or not orders will even be fulfilled for eastern Canada, including Ontario and Quebec.

For this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson talks about some of the logistical challenges of world fertilizer, and also has some answers to the audience questions such as: can you get the potash out of straw by leaving it out? What should you do with so-so wheat stands? How tall are the snowdrifts in Manitoba? (Spoiler alert: very tall).

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Frost seeding has begun! Frost seeding oats on March 12
  • Frost seeding a narrow window of too cold/too mushy
  • 50 per cent of clover is on for Ryan Benjamins
  • Western Canada has had a bunch of snow! Thought not everywhere
  • Snow melt doesn’t equal soil moisture
  • Who wants to dig out a seed drill?
  • Oh my gosh, fertilizer.
  • Conflict in Ukraine will significantly impact Canadian fertilizer supplies
  • Some boats are en route, but with added tariffs, or might not be allowed to unload
  • So many unknowns
  • Josh Linville has the details on the fertilizer S&D and logistics, too
  • What about the wheat crop in Ukraine?
  • The winter wheat is in the ground, but not sure what this spring will look like for added management
  • What the heck is stacked cereals? NxF
  • Here’s the Real Wheat Growers episode on the Wheat School!
  • Oat straw vs wheat straw: potash is low, but OM is high
  • Can I leave oat straw in the swath to leach potash? Well, it needs rain, and actually, the easy to leach potash is already gone. Plus, if you’re using it for bedding, you’ll get that potash back, too!
  • Straw prices are up, but highly localized market
  • Assessing wheat stands! Join Pete and Lyndsey March 28th on The Agronomists for this topic
  • What about early N?
  • November wheat looking good — single vs. double cut clover
  • N benefit from clover with oats and peas taken after the wheat comes off? If you need forage, don’t put in the clover….oats/peas won’t be able to outcompete a well established clover


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