IntelligentAg’s Recon SpraySense looks at individual nozzle performance to ensure optimal spraying


Efficiency plays an important role in almost every area of farming and IntelligentAg is looking to maximize sprayer efficiency with their new product, the Recon SpraySense. As the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know and Recon SpraySense is looking to uncover that data by providing a feed of information on the performance of each sprayer nozzle.

Up until now farmers were, for the most part, only able to get performance information on the boom’s average, while although beneficial, it doesn’t tell the whole story of what is happening.

The new product was showcased at Canada’s Farm Show and Alan MacDonald was on-site and talks about the importance of monitoring each individual nozzle.

“What we’re doing is we’re measuring both the pressure and the flow at every tip. There can be some variability there, of course, based on whether there’s a blockage or not, but we’re using that to identify and what is the actual, actual quality of that spray pattern that’s coming off of there. And then that affects droplet size as well,” says MacDonald.

Before Recon SpraySense, MacDonald says many farmers would do a cup test at the beginning of the season to identify if there are any issues, but that only tells farmers what is happening at that moment, blockages that happen during the season would not be otherwise detected, making other nozzles make up for performance.

He says, currently the system is operational for Hypro-nozzle bodies, but it is their intention to have it available for applications on both Wilger and TeeJet as well.


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