Wheat Pete’s Word, Aug 31: Ontario yields, cool nights, and fall weed control


On Wednesdays we listen to Wheat Pete’s Word. Welcome back to another episode as we close out August and look forward to September.

On today’s show, Peter ‘Wheat Pete’ Johnson dives into some of the yield numbers coming out of Ontario, which in most areas, are turning out better than expected. He also goes over some insect resistance that is starting to show up, along with looking at what corn is doing and emphasizes the importance of fall weed control.

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • It’s still summer until September 21…
  • …but the overnight temperatures and humidity are already starting to feel like fall
  • Many of the crops in Ont. are getting better yields than expected
  • Keep sending plot data!
  • The response to fungicides isn’t big on average
  • But, the swings in variety were significant
  • Taking a moment to be thankful and show gratitude for all that we have at our disposal
  • Are we becoming too reliant on fungicides and insecticides?
  • Resistance starting to show up
  • We still need them but can we do a better job of using them?
  • Big yields coming out of some of the tomato harvest numbers
  • Talking corn, warm temperatures and cool nights is just what you’d like for heavy kernel weight
  • But, below average solar radiation from mid July to the end of August, tweaks your brain around kernel weight and whether or not will make good yields
  • August rainfall and it’s been all over the map
  • The bean crop could be better than we think, except for the early beans
  • Fall weed control is so critical, even mid-November in corn stalks
  • Should you put Cruiser on wheat seed?

Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 8 (2022) Episode 17


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