Beef Market Update: Alberta feeder cattle market sees strength as market returns to some normalcy


September has started off on a bit lower of a note in the cash cattle trade.

Which, given the time of the year, isn’t all that surprising.

According to Anne Wasko of the Gateway Livestock Exchange, U.S. fed cattle was down to $141 in the south for live trade, while the northern states sat in the $142-$145 range.

Choice cut out, as of September 1, closed out at $258, which is $5 lower than the previous week.

However, as Wasko says, the better news story happened locally.

“We continue to see the Alberta fed cattle market stronger this week, at $302-$304 delivered dressed this week, and that is steady higher than last week,” she says.

The reasoning for this, says Wasko, is due to there being less cattle on feed than the first half of 2022. This shift has caused the market to return to a bit more typical numbers.

“We’re finally getting the Alberta market back closer to a normal inline position vis-à-vis the U.S., so this is catch up from a really not fun first half of the year.”

Check out the full Beef Market Update with Anne Wasko and Shaun Haney, below:


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