Among the numerous pieces of machinery on display at this years’ Farm Progress Show at Boone, Iowa, was the new tedder from Massey Ferguson, which they tout as the best on the market.
The new 1310x tedder was built for those who need something with a little more oomph and pick-up — literally — than previous models.
“If you look at the frame itself, it’s a whole tube frame all the way across, making it strong and durable, giving you a lot of years of service. The tines are a big part of it, they’re hook-tine design. So [it] actually takes the hay and scoops it up off the ground and spreads it across your field instead of a conventional-style tedder, that has tines that come straight down and that will drag the hay across the ground, then spread it,” says Lukas Dickerson, product specialist with Massey Ferguson.
The heavier duty tedder, he says, is ideal for those heavier crops including sorghum, triticale, and ryegrass. The unit is available across North America and retails for approximately US$60,000.
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