The host of Wheat Pete’s Word has a jam packed episode for you today, as always!
Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson covers some quick updates from growers in the Maritimes, as they deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona. As well, he’s hopeful that he’s going to win (win what, we’re not sure), as yields are coming in Ontario.
As well a there’s a quick history on oats and barley, a look at weed control, fertility, and more.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Thanks to those that have called in and let us know how they have fared through Hurricane Fiona. Our hearts go out to everyone that has suffered through the damages and aftermath.
- Some incredible scenes coming out of the Maritimes with Hurricane Fiona. Rainfall amounts weren’t as high as anticipated, but man oh man the wind…
- If you are looking at the corn, the corn is a write-off. You could not get it flatter.
- Losing 25 per cent of the corn crop is not the way we’d like it to be…but the upside is, it’s not 100 per cent.
- Big-time damage to the apple crop in Nova Scotia.
- Lots of erosion with the potato harvest.
- On a brighter note — on Friday, Albert Tenuta and Dr. Dave Hooker were out there doing a spray rodeo, looking at coverage in the corn crop. Pretty neat work going on there.
- Fixed-winged drones are coming…lots of stuff to look forward to from that standpoint.
- The first corn crop plots are coming in.
- Getting plot data is like pulling hens teeth! (Editors note: This should be a tshirt…someone make this happen.)
- The lowest yields in some of the plot data that have been seen are not all that low!
- We are wiping out all the previous corn crop yields, says some of the Ontario growers. Hopefully that continues!
- Diverse conditions across the board.
- Test weight is a huge factor in parts of Ontario, but not so big in others. Just shows the regional differences.
- Soybeans are all over the map…but reports have been “holy Peter, where did that yield come from?!”
- If you’re a twitter person, take a look at this conversation.
- The early winter wheat has emerged! Tractors are keeping up to the combines.
- Hurricane Ian looks like it could catch Ontario early next week…get that wheat in the ground if you can.
- What’s the risk of too advanced winter wheat? Depends what part of the world you are in. One of the considerations in western Canada especially is wheat streak mosaic. Think about that green bridge. Winter hardiness, too.
- Don’t let fall weed control slip from your minds. It’s a busy time, but it is key.
- Sow thistle is rate responsive. If you are in a situation that you can use a higher rate…it will pay you dividends. If not — don’t worry. Still get it with that herbicide. It’s a multi-year program. Remember — it’s the rosettes we are targeting.
- Horsetail patches out in the field? In the fall, there’s nothing you can do. The control happens in the spring.
- FYI: A good wheat crop will outgrow waterhemp. Post harvest management will be critical, though!
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