In case you were wondering, this is episode 381 of Wheat Pete’s Word. That’s a whole lot of agronomy, with host Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson, and we’ve got plenty more!
It’s almost Thanksgiving, and there are so many things to be thankful for. Keep those things at the forefront of your mind as we head into Canadian Thanksgiving.
And in the meantime, on this Wednesday, we here at RealAgriculture are thankful for another episode of Wheat Pete’s Word. Enjoy!
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- It’s Ontario Agriculture Week. Let’s celebrate!
- Farm safety. Please be safe on the roads…push push push, let’s think twice about things. All you can do is be as safe as you can.
- We can’t be hauling mud out onto the road, either. Be safe, and make it safe for everyone else.
- We have SO much to be thankful for.
- Fresh strawberries certainly have Pete being thankful.
- Keep up the feedback! C’mmmmmooon people, we want plot results.
- If you are tweeting Pete, please tag him (@WheatPete). It’s hard to keep up with otherwise.
- In Alberta, it’s been an unbelievably warm fall, which is terrific for the winter wheat!
- Last year on October 2, parts of Ontario got 14 inches of rain.
- In Strathroy, there were two nights of frost this week. Lots of twitter and text traffic coming through in that regard
- 2 degree C night time temperature, and three nights in a row below four degrees. Is the corn done?
- Across almost all of Ontario, the corn is so slow to black layer. We are scratching our heads as to why. It’s bizarre.
- The double crop soybeans got stung by the frost in the low spots. It just depends where you are at and how low lying you are. If the leaves are gone, the soybeans are hurt pretty bad.
- Some people are playing around with buckwheat as a double crop, and it is mature
- Soybean yield range is looking good — 28 bu/ac to 79 bu/ac
- Manure and rotation pay dividends
- 12-year continuous soybeans, yielding 64 bu/ac in Essex County
- In Western Canada, a lot of growers are tweeting about how great the oat crop is
- The drought in Kansas is continuing…they are planting winter wheat, but scratching their winter wheat while doing so
- Broadcast MAP versus liquid in-furrow on my wheat crop with a medium soil test? They are equal in terms of the yield benefit, the liquid will give you uniformity
- Any difference with MAP with the weed seed versus MESZ? In the current data, there is no difference whatsoever, just make sure you get that phosphorus with the seed
- Does salt in the fertilizer negatively impact slugs in the field? Absolutely. The only exception is that most years you get a rain, and fertilizer gets mixed into the soil surface, which would make it so there is no impact on the slugs.
- Make sure to do fall weed control!
- Can I put liquid manure on wheat? You have to do it very soon after planting. If the plant is within the surface soil, the liquid fertilizer can get into the soil cracks, and burn the plant.
- Dairy manure doesn’t bring a lot of nitrogen to the table.
- That’s it, that’s all. See you next week!
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