Wheat yield of 165 bu/ac tops Great Lakes YEN contest


The Great Lakes Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) winner for the 2022 wheat competition topped 162 bushels per acre and achieved 87.97 per cent of potential yield potential.

Coordinated by the Grain Farmers of Ontario, Michigan State University, Michigan Wheat Program, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the University of Guelph the Great Lakes YEN project helps farmers learn from each other about new ways to improve winter wheat yields.

Participants from this year’s Great Lakes YEN project will have the opportunity to network and discuss with their peers the practices that have worked on their farms at the wrap-up meetings in January.

The winners of the Great Lakes YEN competition for the highest percentage yield include:

  • Jeffery Krohn, from Elkton, Michigan, with the potential yield at 87.97 per cent
  • Andy Timmermans from Stratford, Ontario, with 79.07 per cent
  • Aaron Stuckey from Archbold, Ohio, with 79.03 per cent

The winners of the highest yield competition are:

  • Jeffry Krohn, from Elkton, Michigan, with 165.92 bu/ac
  • Andy Timmermans, from Stratford, Ontario, with 150.19 bu/ac
  • Kelsey Hill from Arnprior, Ontario, with 144.13 bu/ac

“Understanding and learning about the potential for winter wheat is incredibly valuable to farmers. The Great Lakes YEN has played a pivotal role in providing us insightful data on yield and beyond. Grain Farmers of Ontario is pleased with the outcomes of the Great Lakes YEN’s inaugural year,” says Paul Hoekstra, vice president, strategic development at Grain Farmers of Ontario.

While some farmers faced planting challenges with a very wet fall in 2021, followed by unseasonably cool temperatures in the spring, and extended dry periods with very little rainfall throughout the summer, wheat growth and development progressed close to normal to even excellent, leading to some record yields.

Great Lakes YEN participants produced an average yield of 116 bushels per acre.

Farmers interested in participating in the 2023 Great Lakes YEN are encouraged to visit https://greatlakesyen.com/how-to-participate/ for more information and to register to receive program updates, and to watch for the hashtag #GreatLakesYEN on Twitter. Registration for the program opens on December 1, 2022 and will close on January 27, 2023.


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