Researchers look to solve problems ahead of time, including trying to find solutions to emerging pests, or expanding markets both locally and globally.
Doug Heath, research manager for Sask Canola, says that right now, the eleven ongoing Agriculture Development Fund projects range from disease resistance to abiotic stress of canola.
When it comes to diseases, verticillium is the latest challenge. Heath says Sask Canola is currently wrapping up several five-year projects focussed on the disease. The disease caused serious yield loss in Manitoba this year; it’s still relatively new in Saskatchewan, so it’s good to have a slight jump on the disease.
Heath says Sask Canola is preparing solutions for Saskatchewan’s expanding canola crush capacity, as well. He states Sask Canola is interested in funding new projects that explore using additional canola meal within Saskatchewan. Heath says projects that can handle a high volume of meal, such as livestock feed, are being considered for funding.
Read more about expanding canola crush projects here.