Wheat Pete’s Word, Dec 21: Reflect, recharge, reconnect, and reach out


As the calendar winds down, so too does the work week and the routines of week in and week out. And so it is with the host of Wheat Pete’s Word, Pete Johnson, as he offers this, the last Word of the year.

For this week’s podcast, Johnson has a little agronomy and a lot of thoughts for this time of reflection, including some thank-yous and some encouragement for those young and old (ish).

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Let’s end the year with some reflection and positivity
  • Thank YOU for submitting your comments and questions, for sending in plot data, for watching the Wheat School, to listening to RealAg Radio on Mondays…thank you!
  • A special thanks to Nature Nut Nick for his fact checking; Dr. Dave Hooker for bringing the science; and Greg Stewart for putting the puzzle pieces together, and to all of them for challenging Pete
  • And to Jason Stroeve who produces the Word every week!
  • The Wheat Pete’s 15 — phone a neighbour or a friend, please. Reach out, check in
  • Keep mental wellness at the forefront
  • Is our mental strain worse today? Pete thinks so
  • Information overload, climate change, environmental issues, global unrest — it all adds up. Is the sky falling? Sometimes, but let’s focus on solutions
  • Like! fusion advancements (low cost, environmentally safe energy)
  • Unintended consequences — sometimes positive changes end up with negative consequences
  • The younger generation is going to change the world!
  • News out of Australia: what can change when you get moisture through grain fill? Everything!
  • We are so fortunate to live where we do
  • And expensive lettuce, is still lettuce in the store. It’s perspective
  • Small gestures count — especially this time of year
  • What’s in the mail? Syrup and headlights!
  • Words matter, too. Focus on having a dialogue and challenge each other in a positive way
  • Did you catch the cover crops conversation? Check it out here.
  • Ok, some agronomy topics!
  • Fungicide on corn and the stay-green effect
  • Get a chopping corn head (get out the wallet)
  • Rest, recharge, reconnect
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and Wheat Pete will be back January 4, 2023

Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 8 (2022) Episode 1


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