Northstar Seed Ltd., based at Neepawa, Manitoba, has signed a deal to be bought by Germany-based, Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV). Founded in 1982 by a group of alfalfa seed producers, Northstar Seed specializes in the production, marketing, and distribution of forage, turf, cover crops and native grass seed, as well as leafcutter bees and equipment. DSV, a… Read More

Ontarians head to the polls June 2, 2022, to elect the next premier, and Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) wants the next provincial government to focus on six priorities to support the growth of Ontario‘s grain and oilseed industry. In the coming weeks, over the course of the election campaign, GFO and RealAgriculture will feature interviews… Read More

Public opinion is sometimes tough to gauge with many jumping on social media to air any slight inconvenience, which can then skew the perception of people, services, and even entire industries. This is where comprehensive surveys, such as the one spearheaded by Grassroots Public Affairs, plays an important role to see how Canadians truly feel… Read More

Looking at the current state of the commodity markets, you may be tempted to make some last minute changes to your crop plan. Deviating away from your crop rotation may seem like a good idea in the short term, but as Sheldon Toews, technical service specialist with BASF, explains in this Canola School episode that… Read More

It’s not totally uncommon for crop to go missing out of remote bins, especially when crop prices climb. Fuel thefts aren’t rare, either, and cattle rustling is still a thing. But lately, GPS units and pickup trucks seem to be the theft of choice for n’er-do-wells. Between a shortage of parts, high crop prices, high… Read More

A cool, wet spring has slowed fieldwork and dreams of early planting appear to be disappearing as the calendar turns to May. But the backward conditions have not stalled weed growth in fields across Ontario. That means growers will need to keep a close eye on winter annuals and mounting weed pressure in soybean and corn… Read More

The Government of Saskatchewan has signed on for another three years with the 4R nutrient stewardship program with Fertilizer Canada. This extension will allow the province to continue to develop and deliver continued education, training, and expansion of the program. 4R stewardship is a fertilizer management strategy that focuses on the 4Rs: the right form, at… Read More