Now that the holiday season is behind us, we are full steam into meeting season. There’s so much to learn out there — for you, and for the host of Wheat Pete’s Word, Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson. Keep sending stuff Pete’s way, and don’t forget, if you see him out and about, please say hi!
In this week’s episode, Johnson covers fertility, test weight, and so much more. Check it out by clicking the link below, or download to listen later, wherever you get your podcasts!
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- The marathon continues. So much to learn!! The entire team at RealAgriculture is having a blast with it.
- It’s AGMs galore out there
- Pete loves being a part of Ontario agriculture — the opportunity for continuing education is incredible. Sign up, get out to one of these meetings, talk to your neighbours, rub shoulders.
- Challenge Pete! That’s the most fun
- Indiana…Iowa…you guys are asking, but hey, invite Pete!
- Turn your gosh dang cellphones off at meetings, please (if you can).
- On TecTalk Tuesday last night they had a lot of fun talking about making soils work. Some really neat conversations occurred surrounding carbon flow (and Lyndsey’s sheep got a mention)
- The more carbon flow we get, the more biologically active our soil is.
- Make that soil work for you! Carbon flow is where it’s at
- Do we feed the microbes, or do we feed the sheep? Lyndsey Smith, here at RealAgriculture, says feed the sheep!
- The winter wheat has never looked browner, according to Pete. The snow blew away! Those hurricane force winds caused a lot of issues. Go north where there was lots of snow, and the wheat isn’t brown. The snow protects the wheat.
- Snirt. Snoil. Whatever you name it — it brings wind erosion to the forefront.
- Remember: water enters the tile from the bottom.
- Chickweed growing already! Fall weed control matters. But this also shows the resiliency of these weeds.
- We simply can’t do what we do in agriculture without nitrogen
- Land use vs. population vs. crop used
- All of our modern day issues we talk about, all happened since 1960. A lot of good in that period of time, but some not so good as well
- Fertilizer prices have come down a bit. Silver linings
- Carbon cycling…it’s something that’s going to just keep coming up (or going around?)
- Good crops beget good crops, because they do that cycling
- Banded phosphorus is 4x more efficient than broadcast
- Not many diseases cross between winter wheat and barley. Some do, but it’s an acceptable rotation, FYI
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