Central tire inflation system decreases compaction, may increase tire lifespan


There are many reasons to adjust tire pressure, whether it be to reduce compaction, be gentler on crops, or increase the lifespan of the tire itself.

Michelin’s central tire inflation system does all of the above, through two-line technology, versus the more common one-line technology seen across the market.

Sean Higgins of Michelin, was at Commodity Classic, at Orlando, Florida, to discuss how the system works, and why it’s important this system becomes more mainstream as equipment becomes larger.

“You cannot get one pressure that does everything, it’s just not practical,” he explains in the video below. “What we’re able to do is keep this valve closed, and keep all these lines off pressure and the seal inside the rotary union off pressure. And that allows tremendous life expectancy of the equipment itself, this design [runs] a good 10,000 hours before it wears out… And if I ever rip a line out, we don’t lose air out of the tire.”

Check out the full video, below:


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