A strange and unusual start to growing season weather


Shifting weather patterns, like this one from La Niña to El Niño, can have profoundly different impacts depending on the region. Each weather pattern can be generalized — as in, wetter for some regions, drier for others — but the shift this year has caused some wild weather swings.

Scott Kehler, president and chief scientist with Weatherlogics, says that regardless of the shift in patter, the western Prairies are not likely to get the much-needed moisture farmers and ranchers are asking for. In the east, it may be hard to believe after this week of heat, but a cooler start will likely give way to a hot summer.

Listen below for Kehler’s forecast, for both the west and the east.

Looking for the west/Prairies? Start at the beginning.

Looking for the east/Ontario? Skip to about the six minute mark.


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