Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 84: The payback of investing in onboarding employees


Many entrepreneurs struggle with finding the right people to join their team.

Right now, the employment market is also very tight as supply is low, and competitiveness for workers is so strong. So much attention is paid to the recruitment of new employees, but how often do we actually focus on the onboarding process?

Research shows that it takes a new employee eight to twelve months to become as efficient as an experienced employee; so why are we not paying more attention to further these early months?

And yes — we need to do this in agriculture as well, even with our seasonal employees.

In this episode of the Mind Your Farm Business podcast, host Shaun Haney speaks with Tearney Woodruff, associate professor and extension specialist in the Texas A & M Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, about the onboarding process of employees, and how this can benefit your employees, and ultimately, your farm business.

Check out the full conversation, below:

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Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 83: Team building under pressure

Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 82: Hiring right the first time

Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 81: Chase the Bears with your farm business


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