Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 87: The new realities of people management


Agriculture has long struggled to attract and retain enough people at nearly every stage of the industry; from general labour, to skilled operators, to farm management, and in the c-suite. In certain geographies, local job markets have made things even more difficult, as higher paying jobs pulled people away from the farm.

But now, just about every single industry in Canada is facing a similar challenge amid a rapidly changing employee-led landscape. How can a farm or agri-business adapt to not only attract good people, but hold on to them as well?

In this episode of Mind Your Farm Business, host Shaun Haney is joined by human resources expert Eddie Lemoine to discuss the challenges around hiring in agriculture, and how things have changed from even just five or six years ago.

Lemoine explains that expectations have shifted. Staff have several options of good employment, and many companies are too short of people power to truly reach their full potential. Treating people well, offering flexibility and ensuring that people actually get to work to their strengths and do what they enjoy in a day is a key part of employee satisfaction.

Listen on to the full podcast below, or download for later listening! 

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