Boost your grain marketing plan with a cash advance from CCGA


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After months of growing your crop, it’s time to focus on marketing your harvest. But do you have the right tools in place to give you the flexibility that you need?

An Advance Payments Program cash advance from Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) gives you the cash flow you need during harvest so you can:

1. Have more time to execute your marketing plan confidently. Looking for an alternative to selling off combine? Use an advance to cover your fall expenses and wait to market until the time and price is best for you. Or get the cash flow you need while you wait for your grain contract delivery date.

2. Save potentially thousands of dollars in interest costs compared to other forms of working capital financing with no- and low-interest financing. Borrow up to $350,000 interest-free in 2023 and the rest at CCGA’s interest rate of prime less 0.75%.

3. Put an advance to work in whatever way works best on your farm. It’s a financial tool created specifically for farmers, so you can prepay crop inputs for next growing season, complete maintenance and upgrades, cover your fall operating costs, and more.

With a cash advance from CCGA, you can borrow up to $1 million on over 50 conventional and organic commodities, including all major field crops, honey, and large and small livestock.

Want to learn more about how a cash advance from CCGA can support your marketing efforts?

Read more – Discover cash advance

Why a cash advance from CCGA?

With nearly 40 years of experience Helping Farmers Succeed, CCGA strives to make learning about and applying for an APP cash advance as convenient and easy as possible.

Call our experienced staff at 1-866-745-2256.
Returning customers can apply online

The Advance Payments Program is a federal program administered by CCGA. It offers Canadian farmers marketing flexibility through interest-free and low interest cash advances.
Categories: CCGA / Sponsored
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