Are you ready for an agronomy Q&A?
On this week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson is ready with some timing questions on #plant24, comparing this year’s weather to 1993 (why, though?), answers several questions on cover crop management, taking out a hay stand, and starting off winter wheat.
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Late winter canola? Get the crop in when you can, and early is best. Even August!
- There’s a waiting list for seed!
- Winter canola carries risk. White mould (called sclerotinia) and can lose seed near harvest in summer storms. Plus, winter kill
- All fall seeded crops could feel like they are getting “late”
- Big drills finish big acres in no time
- Next week check out the Ontario Soil and Crop breakfasts at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show
- Check out Talking Tile — a new video series
- Need to understand tile
- Take your Wheat Pete’s 15 and reach out to someone today
- Whack a doodle weather. SO hot in Ontario this week
- What about 1992? Silage in November…not even remotely close
- 160 CHU behind average
- In ’92 only about 21 days behind
- September and October are set to be warmer than average, no risk of frost in September, it looks like
- 17 inches of rain in July has made pulling cranberry beans now a pain in the….rear
- Agronomy answers: broadcasting wheat into soybeans but avoiding treated seed is part art part science
- Manage the risk!
- Spinner spreader spread sure does change on the hills
- What about fertilizer? Think on that
- Weed seed return on today’s radio show (Check out
- Revenge tillage is like revenge spraying
- Seven, 10, 100 years of seeds!
- What about fungicide on covers?
- Manure should go on prior
- Use fertilizer once the crop is going, not manure
- Protected N plus a reducing the rate can spell a shorted crop on N
- Old hay stand, mostly alfalfa, going to wheat — do I worry about slugs? What about the N credit. Demand is so much earlier on wheat, so only maybe 30 lb credit
- Don’t let the green bridge happen!
- Take-all is a risk if there’s grass growing when you put in the wheat. Use treated seed
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