The sun might come out tomorrow, or the next day, or another day, we hope, as Ontario farmers are hoping to wrap up bean harvest and get at corn in earnest.
Not being in the field means Peter Johnson, host of Wheat Pete’s Word, has plenty of questions to tackle from the audience, including compaction remediation, sulphur on beans, residue reducing wheat emergence and so much more!
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Where is the sunshine? In Ontario, the sun seems to have totally disappeared
- A number of growers are trying to combine soybeans and the weather forecast is getting them down
- Let’s hit the safety topic again — A tractor pulling two units hit a store front in Seaforth
- Make sure your lights are working. Make sure there isn’t too much weight behind the tractor. And don’t text on the road
- The wool and lamb market is hurting from drought. In Australia, 600 Merino lambs that had no feed so advertised for free
- Ellen Sparry sent an article from Ohio State University and South Dakota State University have come up with a micro virus that will actually stop DON production in corn
- Get out and scout your fields for gibberella
- There’s tar spot everywhere. And if you didn’t spray in the deep southwest, the tar spot is wiping you out. Check out the Corn School
- In the last two weeks, even the sprayed fields are showing high tar spot infection
- On gibberella, there’s been loads rejected going into some of the ethanol plants from the 2023 corn harvest. Why is hand-threshed or hand-picked not accurate?
- It’s about fines, too
- Many hybrid still have not black layered, they are moving towards it, but it’s super slow under these cool temperatures
- Horsetail in a field is getting bad. Make note of those weeds, like nightshade
- The price is wild on adzuki beans! To grow the equivalent crop of corn, need 380 bushels per acre. You can grow them, but only 1 in 3 or 1 in 4
- They are incredibly susceptible to soybean cyst nematode, even more susceptible than soybeans are
- Please send me these plot results. In some trials, there was a 200 to 150 pounds across three different bean varieties
- You need multiple year’s data
- Sulphur and soybean: Does it work?
- In some fields, it made a 1o bu/ac difference
- Oat growth and manure. Is it manure or rust the issue?
- Do the best job you can spreading residue at harvest
- It’s actually the date of emergence that determines the effective planting date. In heavy residue, it’s delayed by three days, that part of the field is going to get a three bushel per acre yield loss
- Check out some photos! Gord Speksnijder sent
- A bushel per day loss matters a lot at day 5, 6, 7
- Thistles in the wheat, Lontrel or Infinity? Think about if you have to replant to beans
- Compaction questions — do you deep rip?
- If you have compacted headlands and it’s dry, and you can rip them and have a an oat crop or some crop growing their winter wheat crop planted on top so that the roots go down and stabilize what you’ve loosened up
- Translucent kernels? Dr. Dave Hooker says it may be parthenocarpic kernels — they didn’t actually pollinate, but they still formed
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