The Agronomists, Ep 133: Choosing enhanced efficiency N products with Dale Cowan, Ray Dowbenko, and Mario Tenuta


Once nitrogen fertilizer lands on or in soil it may be at risk of loss — through leaching, volatilization, or denitrification. Management choices can minimize losses, through split-application, deep banding, or choice of product, but adding an enhanced efficiency fertilizer product can guard against loss, too.

How the products work, when to use which, and the importance of labels are all on the docket for this episode of The Agronomists, featuring insight from Dale Cowan with AGRIS Co-op, Ray Dowbenko, independent agronomist, and Dr. Mario Tenuta with the University of Manitoba.

This episode is brought to you by ADAMA Canada, Enlist E3, and Acadian Plant Health!


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