The gigantic NEXAT cropping unit to debut in Canada in 2024


It’s a piece of equipment that turned heads at the Farm Progress Show earlier this year, and the huge NEXAT machine is doing the same this week in Germany at Agritechnica.

NEXAT is a different concept— where one large power unit runs all the major passes on the farm, from seeding and tillage through to harvest, explains Lothar Fliss, of NEXAT.

Avoiding compaction was a driving factor in redesigning cropping operations, Fliss explains, as the NEXAT creates one set of tracks that are used all year.

Huge machines need huge power, and the NEXAT has it. Dual 550 hp engines support capacity and individual electric wheel motors add 200 hp each for movement.

Several of these machines are running in Europe, and as for North America, look for the NEXAT in the Winnipeg, Man., area in 2024, adding to the three machines already operating in the Dakotas.

RealAgriculture’s coverage of Agritechnica 2023 is brought to you by Optimum GLY, new canola trait technology from Corteva Agriscience!

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