Spraying enthusiasts visiting Agritechnica 23 had plenty of good things to say when visiting the Agrotop location to check out the company’s easyFlow M self-cleaning chemical transfer system.
All the chatter prompted RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney to ask Agrotop’s export manager Joachim Herfort for a hands-on demonstration of how the closed, contamination-avoiding and self-cleaning transfer system works. In this video, Herfort demonstrates how the easyFlow M is designed to meet all environmental protection and operational safety standards.
Herfort explains how the easyFlow M works with any three- to 50-litre container with a 63 millimetre tread and handles sealed and unsealed containers. He demonstrates how it mounts next to the sprayer tank, at working height for easy handling on big sprayers, and can transfer the containers entire content or meter partial quantities to meet specific dosing requirements.
Haney and Herfort also discuss how the easyFlow M allows sprayer applicators to empty a jug into the handling system without exposing themselves to the product. Safe handling is also extended to jug cleaning as the system is capable of rinsing and cleaning the container without exposing the handler to the chemical.
The easyFlow M is distributed in North America by Greenleaf Technologies. Watch the full report below.
RealAgriculture’s coverage of Agritechnica is brought to you by Optimum GLY, a new canola trait technology from Corteva Agriscience.
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