Hello, December!
On this week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson gets further in to the soil organic matter discussion, including the long-term legacy of manure applications, talks sulphur management, and compares some findings on the ROI on fungicide on corn.
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Too much stress is no good, but a little stress is actually good for you — so long as you understand the value of it
- Mindset matters
- Kevin (@CanadianCowMan) is under an atmospheric river out in B.C. Yikes!
- Yesterday was World Soil Day
- Potato farmers have challenges, but also working on some solutions, i.e. using cover crops, reducing tillage
- 930,000 acres of winter wheat estimated for ’24 harvest
- Soybean data is in!
- GoSoybean.net
- 93 bu/ac for Ridgetown
- Question: Biosolids (treated) spread on snow on frozen ground…. NO. Hard stop.
- It will not end up where you want it
- (Snow over thawed ground? That’s a different conversation)
- Fungicides, Essex County, and sandy soil
- Soil type matters for high yield potential
- But, unsprayed corn in tar spot areas got hit HARD
- Outside the tar spot area, average about 14 bu/ac advantage and nice DON suppression. Likely some Northern corn leaf blight protection and stay-green impact
- A load of corn with 50 ppm on three different tests….accurate? They top out at 50
- Still not as bad as 2018, avg is 2.9 ppm vs 2018 over 7 ppm on average
- Two plots, same hybrids, 2 days of planting dates difference… larger spread between good/bad hybrids
- Organic matter discussion!
- Manure only for many years. Soil health, soil organic matter pays even in years your don’t fertilizer
- 20 years of beef manure pays dividends for decades (based on super long term data)
- A little P, K and Magnesium plus some N, triples the yield vs a no-fert check, but still half of what is possible
- Can you build sulphur levels? Elemental (fine) vs. sulphate — smaller pellets speeds up biological activity?
- Here’s a link to more on building S levels
- High phos soil test on corn, two reps when looking at starter fert. On a high soil test, there is a small advantage, but not as much if P levels were low, overall
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