Say what you want about the state of farm transition in Canada, but the numbers don’t lie: farm business transition from one owner to the next is a huge deal both in dollar figures and families involved. According to Farm Management Canada, about 75 per cent of farm businesses are set to transition to new ownership within the decade.
According to a RealAgristudies survey from May of last year, only about 35 per cent of farmers surveyed said they had a written farm transition plan. When digging into where the succession process is stalling, two things come up in the data: financial costs and missing, poor, or vague communication.
January 9 was Farm Transition Appreciation day, and to celebrate (if we can call it that), Shaun Haney and Lyndsey Smith sat down to discuss some current conversations swirling on social media, common pitfalls of the farm transition process, and more on what the data tells us on how farmers are prepared or preparing to transition the farm business.
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