Corn has some leaf lessons to teach us, if only we’ll listen.
That’s just one of the take-home messages from last week’s Ontario Ag Conference, the SWAC stop, says Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson in this week’s podcast. There’s also a discussion on soil health, managing cover crops, and nitrogen use efficiency in corn.
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Incredible knowledge!
- Tyler Smith spoke at the Ontario Agricultural Conference. Check out a recap of the talk here!
- TEC Talk Tuesdays kicked off last night and will run for 6 more weeks
- Ray Robertson, hall of famer! Congrats to him
- Dr Tony Vyn spoke at Ontario Ag Conference too — and so many giants in agriculture all retiring
- Tissue testing in corn, set on its ear (check out that interview here)
- Days are getting longer — the sun is setting later, and only NOW getting up earlier in the morning. Thanks Nature Nut Nick!
- Ontario tied the soybean record 53.3 bu/ac for 2023
- Corn 197.8 bu/ac right now…will it break 200? Probably not
- Active earthworms in the soil this late? If the soil isn’t frozen, they’re still busy. Earthworms will head down the colder it gets
- Do we really care about soil health?
- Roots not iron study, over 8 years, to quantify soil health benefit: couldn’t find numbers to support economics
- Long-term, well-managed cover crops will pay — we think
- What’s the cost of being wrong and abandoning cover crops
- High yields beget high yields
- 230 bu corn with excellent nitrogen use efficiency, other fields needed more N to get there. What gives?
- Carbon cycling questions abound
- Soil water holding capacity and total water present plays a role in nutrient cycling too
- How much corn does water use per day?
- Bale grazing and building organic matter isn’t a precise science. It’s about building organic matter in a smaller area than a large area, but it all comes from somewhere
- Buckwheat: is it a weed or a crop? Depends who you ask
- For some areas, 202o-2022 land values went up 25 per cent PER YEAR
- 2023, only increased around 10 per cent
- Over time, 2010 to 2023 saw a 13 per cent per year increase
- What happens with $30, 000/ac land?
- Highest land value reported recently was $50,000 for workable acres. Wowzers
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