It’s Wednesday, so that means it’s time for another episode of Wheat Pete’s Word!
It’s also Bell Let’s Talk Day, a day designed to raise awareness about mental health and taking care of it. Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson is a fan of doing that year-round, of course, with his Wheat Pete’s 15.
Once you’ve done that, listen to this week’s podcast for answers to questions on choosing the right clover for under seeding wheat, testing too late of N on corn, phosphorus sources and application zones, and more!
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- It’s Bell Let’s Talk day! Take care of your mental health
- Letting people know you care about it means they’ll talk to you about it!
- Take your Wheat Pete 15 and call someone
- Questions on winter wheat winter hardiness. Will the wheat make it?
- Breaking dormancy too early is bad: too warm can be worse than too cold
- Check out the corn and soybean yield maps for 2023 — very impressive!
- The very east and the very south fared best
- Quick reminder of actual P vs p205 when comparing notes on nutrient uptake
- Same goes for pounds of N vs product
- Is sustainable agriculture really about removing products? Some think so
- Check out the upcoming discussion on biologicals on Monday, Jan 29, on YouTube or at
- We can’t grow something from nothing!
- Trying to save on N by switching sources means making sure you’re still getting even coverage, re: winter wheat and liquid vs dry
- Split app N won’t always add yield, but make sure the first pass is on early
- Side or mid-row band plus an on-seed product: does seed-applied replace side-banded P? No
- Split the MAP? Maybe but seed-applied P is very expensive
- Broadcast wheat vs planted twice: what’s the risk/reward or cautions? Watch for compaction
- If you do broadcast in to standing soybeans, you can take the air reel off to reduce the risk of treated seed getting in to the sample
- Red clover is great on wheat, get the pounds per acre up and don’t pay the extra on coating
- Alfalfa is less cold tolerant than red clover and not as shade tolerant — not the right fit under seeded to wheat
- White vs double-cut red clover?
- White clover grows very low to the ground and might be better if you’re going for max straw removal
- There is such a thing as too late for N on corn, nitrate test has to be done in the V6 window
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