Advanced grazing can be summed up in one word: GRASS. But we’re not talking the actual grass, we’re talking about the GRASS principles of advanced grazing.
In this episode of the Farming Forward video series, Steve Kenyon of Greener Pastures Ranching, explains the principle that stands for: G – Graze period R – Rest period A – Animal impact S – Stock density and S – Soil armour.
Each part of GRASS works together to achieve the soil-building and productive grazing outcomes of advanced grazing — if farmers and ranchers are only achieving two or three, the concept doesn’t work. “Haying uses two — grazing period and rest period,” Kenyon explains, but haying doesn’t benefit from the animal impact and loses the soil armour without trampling.
In this video, you can see the principles at work, and Kenyon adds that by adhering to GRASS, he can manage land for decades without having to restore or re-seed a paddock.
Farming Forward is a video series brought to you by Farmers for Climate Solutions’ Farm Resilience Mentorship Program and the Farm Learning Hub. Visit the hub to learn more about events in your area and to access more resources about building soil health.
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