Cover crops can do a number of things, such as hold soil in place, cycle nutrients, suppress weed growth, and fix nitrogen. They can also interfere with planting and seeding the next crop if not terminated properly.
There are several options available for terminating cover crops: choosing species that will winterkill (most of the time!), herbicides, cutting or grazing, tillage, or a combination of a few of these.
For Brett Israel of 3Gen Organics at Mapleton, Ont., using cover crops is a key aspect of the farm’s organic production. The farm has had success with using several practices for best results. In this episode of Farming Forward, Israel explains how the farm uses cover crops and how they approach termination.
Farming Forward is a video series brought to you by Farmers for Climate Solutions’ Farm Resilience Mentorship Program and the Farm Learning Hub. Visit the hub to learn more about events in your area and to access more resources about building soil health.
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