Tissue test, soil test, gut check, patience. That sums up this week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word in a nutshell, but don’t worry, we’ve got a full summary of the 20 minutes of agronomy answers below.
This week, Peter Johnson covers some key deficiency issues with wheat (sulphur and manganese), answers some phosphorus questions, and has our first insect alert of the season, but it’s only a one-alert-bell, so get out and scout, but don’t panic.
Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- A Word a day keeps the boredom at bay!
- Since 1960 an over 2000 per cent increase in strawberry yield
- Advancements can go both ways — make a plant photosensitive, or not
- Keep calm and wait longer
- May 15th is the earliest we are even going to TALK about swapping out corn varieties/hybrids
- Well sown is half grown (thanks, Mr. Needham)
- If you have to push something, push soybeans
- Early planted beans and corn are up
- May 5th — the first rye was cut for feed. Wow
- Winter crops are super duper early, re: early planted especially
- Further up (and north) not nearly as far ahead
- Pay attention to crop staging
- We are in the critical stage for wheat yield development
- Next Wednesday…will we see wheat in head? Possibly
- What’s the impact on yield potential? Theoretically, it’s good for yield
- Glyphosate, tank mixes, killing wheat and knocking back big weeds — pay attention ahead of tillage
- Check out this Soybean School on tillage and weed control
- Grassy hay not looking great, two weeks ahead of haying, is now enough time for nitrogen? Likely need three weeks to get any real benefit
- Prior to 21 days for many products isn’t worth it for forage
- Winter barley going up as high moisture barley. What about a T3 fungicide? Yes, you have time
- S on wheat: it’s critical. Say it again
- Adding N? Make sure there’s enough S there too
- Tissue sample, low P for the wheat crop now
- Can you add P? Will low P impact yield?
- Do the test strip, please, on P and manganese
- Alfalfa weevil is out there. Scout
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