Canola School: On-farm research bridges the gap between small plots and farm implementation


While small plot research allows for well-controlled studies, it can be challenging for farmers to implement new findings at a farm scale. Variability in environment, soil, topography and equipment can change the outcome of practices that may have worked very well in small plots.

One way to solve the issues experienced by growers when implementing new practices on the farm is to use on-farm research. This allows for some risk mitigation between plot research and when growers begin to invest in these practices across an entire farm.

In this Canola School, Kaeley Kindrachuk of SaskCanola discusses the importance of doing replicated, randomized field-scale trials on producers’ farms. On-farm research allows farmers to test practices on their fields, with their existing equipment and in conjunction with their go-to management practices.

Watch the video for more information on how on-farm research in canola works, how to access support for ideas for new trials, as well as some of the benefits to this style of research.

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