A new intake for Ontario’s On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) opens August 1, 2024.
Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis.
OFCAF funding, administered by Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association in the province, provides successful applicants with cost-share funding to support the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to tackle climate change through reducing emissions of GHGs and supporting increased carbon sequestration.
Projects must be focused on one of three priorities: cover cropping, nitrogen management, or rotational grazing.
To be eligible to receive OFCAF funding, the proposed project must be new to the acres included in the application. A new practice is one that has not been previously implemented. Cost-share funding is available at 65 per cent of approved project costs for practices implemented between April 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025.
There are additional restrictions or eligibility requirements within each priority area:
Cover Cropping — Planting an eligible cover crop on new acres must be left undisturbed over the winter (i.e., the crop will not be chemically or physically terminated in the fall or winter)
Nitrogen Management — Projects may include the use of synthetic fertilizer substitutes/organic amendments including manure and compost; equipment purchases to support injection of manure on new acres; the purchase of dual action nitrogen stabilizers; or development of a written crop nutrient plan
Rotational Grazing Systems — Establishing a new, or expanding the acreage of an existing, rotational grazing system for livestock; the system must be at least 10 acres and include at least four paddock sections.
Projects must be completed in 2024.
OSCIA has several online OFCAF Farmer Information Sessions being held next week and into early August. Contact OSCIA for dates, times, and to register at [email protected].