AgSafe Alberta offers expanded FARMERS CARE safety program


Whether work is happening on a grain farm, in a barn, or at a feedlot, farms can be dangerous places. Not only is it important to recognize the different hazards that farmers and their families face on a regular basis, but knowing how to prevent them and then knowing how to handle an emergency when it does occur is imperative.

About five years ago, the team at AgSafe Alberta were brainstorming the ways that people get hurt on the farm. This is where the acronym FARMERS CARE was born, with each letter standing for a potential farm risk. Soon after, the board of directors pushed for a program that would provide on-farm safety training based on the new acronym, says Jody Wacowich of AgSafe Alberta.

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The first level of the program started with the very basics of identifying hazards on the farm, as producers walk through the acronym, explains Wacowich. In level two, farmers get the opportunity to focus on communication and the importance of making sure all members of the family are on the same page. When it comes to level three, producers look at what needs to be done for regular inspections of equipment, buildings and places that people can get hurt.

As of October 1, AgSafe Alberta has launched the fourth level to the FARMERS CARE program. This new level allows producers the opportunity to walk through the steps of what happens in an emergency situation. It takes farmers through emergency considerations such as; who on the farm is trained in first aid, and where the muster point is on the property.

Producers can sign up for the FARMERS CARE program on the AgSafe Alberta website.


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