Dandelion control in soybeans was a significant issue across Ontario in 2024 — large dandelions set roots in many fields and killing the weed was a troublesome chore for growers and agronomists.
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness weed management specialist Mike Cowbrough says he hates to sound like a broken record but best management of dandelion always starts with fall control. “That 1.34 litre per acre rate of a glyphosate 540 gram per litre product in the fall provides much better control than if you’re trying to deal with that same product in the spring,” he says. He acknowledges, however, that timely fall weed control application can prove difficult when most soybeans are planted to later-harvested corn, which creates a tight spray window for most fields.
On this episode of the RealAgriculture Soybean School, Cowbrough looks at best management strategies for dandelion, including weed control trials for the Enlist and Xtend soybean systems.
Cowbrough also highlights the impact of tillage and row spacing on dandelion populations, comparing no-till soybeans in 30-inch rows with a system using tillage and narrower 15-inch rows. He notes that vertical tillage or a high-speed disc, can deliver control equal to a moldboard plow. These tools fragment dandelion roots — producing more plants initially — but making them smaller and easier to control with herbicides.
“Basically you get smaller and ultimately fewer dandelions if you incorporate both tillage and narrow rows to kind of outcompete those dandelions,” Cowbrough notes. That means less weeds that are easier to target.
When it comes to herbicides, in both the Enlist and Xtend soybean systems, Cowbrough’s trials show that focusing on multiple modes of action and multiple passes through the field is the best way to tackle the perennial weed.
“Integrated systems are the best for dandelion management regardless of what soybean you’re growing,” adds Cowbrough. Watch the video below.
Tap here for more Soybean School videos.
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